Big Data
building a sustainable future

Evaluate the level of carbon emissions at your cement plant - free of charge - and find solutions to reduce your carbon footprint.

The Trie Radar is a benchmarking tool that compares your KPIs related to carbon emissions and energy consumption with industry references.


No time to lose

The cement industry is faced with the challenge of sustainability. Concrete is the most man-made used material in the world, and, as such, it is essential to build solutions for complex problems of our society.

Join the evolution

The main cement companies around the world have pledged to comply with the Paris Agreement, joining worldwide campaigns such as Race to Zero, thus strengthening their commitment to reduce carbon emissions.

Understand the KPIs and adjust your goals

Trie Radar is a free data science tool, that compares your plant's energy consumption and CO2 emissions indicators using GNR-based indicators, a worldwide database managed by the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA).


Simple and safe

  1. Fill out the registration form.

  2. You will receive an access link via email

  3. Log in and adjust the parameters using your own information or any scenario you wish to simulate

  4. You can also adjust your values by moving the slider bars.

  5. Trie Radar will automatically show your results. You will see your ratings for each indicator in comparison with the sector's global information, ranging between outstanding, excellent, good, regular, or poor.

  6. If you click on the region name, at the top, the values are automatically adjusted to the average KPI of this region.

We don’t store any data entered in our system. You are completely safe to run your analysis - it is entirely anonymous and confidential.


About Trie

Trie Radar is a tool developed by Trie Engineering, a company specialized in optimize cement plants through applied science and technology.

Our team has over 30 years of combined experience in solving the cement plants’ challenges of any complexity. As the first Brazilian member of Cement Alliance, our company is active in 11 countries, of the 5 continents.

Trie Smart Flow

Trie Smart Flow is like a magnifying glass for your equipment. With the simple click of a browser, it allows you to view details and compare scenarios, from any angle. You can analyze profiles for temperature, oxygen, gas speed, and much more.. With Trie Smart Flow you can gain insight into the root causes of combustion/calcination inefficiency and high CO/NOx emissions in your cement plant.


Trie Analytics

Trie Radar is part of Trie Analytics, one of our most comprehensive tools. With Trie Analytics, you can collect, filter, and intelligently process your plant's data to identify gaps and optimize processes. You can also customize our system with indicators you need and convert your data into valuable real-time information, with the assistance of our expert team.


About Trie

Trie Radar is a tool developed by Trie Engineering, a company specialized in optimize cement plants through applied science and technology.

Our team has over 30 years of combined experience in solving the cement plants’ challenges of any complexity. As the first Brazilian member of Cement Alliance, our company is active in 11 countries, of the 5 continents.

Trie Analytics

Trie Radar is part of Trie Analytics, one of our most comprehensive tools. With Trie Analytics, you can collect, filter, and intelligently process your plant's data to identify gaps and optimize processes. You can also customize our system with indicators you need and convert your data into valuable real-time information, with the assistance of our expert team.

Trie Smart Flow

Trie Smart Flow is like a magnifying glass for your equipment. With the simple click of a browser, it allows you to view details and compare scenarios, from any angle. You can analyze profiles for temperature, oxygen, gas speed, and much more.. With Trie Smart Flow you can gain insight into the root causes of combustion/calcination inefficiency and high CO/NOx emissions in your cement plant.


Frequently Asked Questions

No, Trie Radar does not collect and store any information inserted in its database. This means that your analysis will be entirely anonymous. For more information, access our Terms of Use.

No, it is not. Trie Radar uses anonymized confidential information protected by contracts, which secures data protection. Data comparison is entirely anonymous, so that analyses and results cannot be traced back to any company or project.

Trie Radar uses the Getting the Numbers Right (GNR), an open database managed by the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA).

GNR stands for Getting the Numbers Right, an independent database of carbon dioxide emission and energy performance information on the global cement industry.

The GNR database is updated on a 2-year lag basis because of market-related issues. Trie Radar uses data from 2018, which is the latest, most current version available.

Trie Radar uses the following drivers: HTC, PWR, AFR, and the carbon dioxide emission rates from clinker and cement production.

HTC stands for Heat Consumption. It is thethermal energy consumption minus the energy from fuel drying. It is measured in kcal/kg of clinker.

PWR stands for Power Consumption. It is the energy consumed in the cement plant. It is measured in kWh/ton of total cement and substitutes.

AFR stands for Alternative Fuels and Raw materials. It refers to the use of alternative and mixed fuels. It is measured in % of thermal energy.

It refers to the amount of carbon dioxide emissions from clinker production. It is measured in kg CO2/ton of clinker.

It refers to the amount of carbon dioxide emissions from cement production. It is measured in kg CO2/ton of cement.

CO2 emissions (both from clinker and cement), thermal consumption, electricity consumption, and the substitution rate of non-renewable fuels were chosen because they play an important role in the cement industry, in economic and socio-environmental terms. These indicators have become a matter of survival for the cement industry. They are determining factors to respond to society's demand for a cleaner future, and are seen as a differential among competitors.

Contact our team for customized comparisons. We are ready to meet your needs.


For other enquiries or to contact Trie Engineering: